Idézetek 29


Scott: Mondja maguknál a kvantum aféle töltelékszó?


– Minek a rövidítése az FBI? Fontoskodó Buzgómócsingok Irodája?


Scott: Mondja, maguknál a kvantum valamiféle töltelékszó?


Cassie: So, maybe you just need someone watching your back… like a partner.
Scott: Well, she's made it clear that's about the last thing she wants.
Cassie: Who?
Scott: Hope. Wait, who did you think?
Cassie: Me.


Cassie: I eat fear for breakfast.
Scott: Wow. That is super cool.


-Mond Cassie mi leszel ha nagy leszel?
-Hős aki segít másokon.


Sonny Burch: Okay, hold on, hold on. I like a good story as much as the next person, but what in the hell does this have to do with where Scott Lang is?
Luis: I'm getting there. I'm getting there.
Dave: You put a dime in him, and you gotta let the whole song play out.
Kurt: He's like human jukebox.
Luis: Oh, my abuelita had a jukebox in the restaurant! Yeah, only played Morrissey. And if anybody ever complained, she'd be like „Oh, no te gusta Moz”. You know, Chicanos we call him „Moz”. „Then, adiós!”. What can I say? You know, we relate to this melancholy ballads. You know?