Idézetek 12
– Csak taníts meg szörfözni ha majd ráérsz.
– Rendben. Szólj amikor neked jó lenne, hogy idejében betervezhessek valami mást.
Remélem, hogy a cipőink mindig egymás mellett lesznek az ajtónál. Hogy egyik se legyen magányos.
Yoon Hye Jin: My parents gave their all to have me in this world, so I must do my best to find happiness.
I lived for 34 years without you, but each day seems to last forever since I’ve met you.
Yoon Hye Jin: Ah, that was good.
Hong Du Shik: I could tell.
Yoon Hye Jin: I was only being polite since you cooked it for me. Why did you insist on cooking with a bad arm though?
Hong Du Shik: Well, I’m never going to let you do anything in my kitchen again.
Hong Du Shik: You got it all wrong. Hye Jin received tons of love while growing up. If not, she wouldn’t be able to give others so much love.
Hong Du Shik: O-o, you’re crossing the line right now!
Yoon Hye Jin: You are the one who crossed it.
Hong Du Shik: Exactly. And I’m telling you to cross it comfortably like I do.