Taylor Tomlinson: Akinek mindene megvan (2024) 14

Taylor Tomlinson: Have It All
67' · amerikai · stand-up 16

Taylor Tomlinson az álommunkákról, a tökéletes partner megtalálásáról és a szorongás kezeléséről beszél, miközben felteszi az ősrégi kérdést: „Tényleg megkaphatsz mindent?”(Netflix)


Képek 36


Taylor Tomlinsonönmaga

Várólistára tette 8

Népszerű idézetek


– Why can't you walk without headphones? Cause you'll think about death the whole time.


– But I've been single for the last year now, and it has been the most relaxing year of my entire life. It has been lovely, waking up every day going „Oh, no one's gonna make me cry today but me!”


– It's okay that I'm not more symmetrical. I have this great personality that will surely reveal itself any day now. It's coming with my period and my Hogwarts letter. I can feel it.


– Hugh Jackman is a perfect specimen of a human man. Seeing him in person was a religious experience. It changed me. It was like seeing the Grand Canyon. Everyone should do it before they die. He is a wonder of the world, that man. It was like seeing Niagara Falls. You can bring the whole family. You get a little wet, but it's fun.


– I told my therapist recently, „I know worrying doesn't do any good. What's that quote by that philosopher? When you worry, you just suffer twice.'” She goes, „Who said it?” I looked it up. It's from a fucking „Harry Potter” prequel. I was so confident, I Googled it in front of her. She's like, „What philosopher said that?” I'm like, „Newt Scamander. Shit.”


– I asked a married friend, „Do you have a safe word for fights?” He was like, „What?” I'm like, „A word that stops the fight.” He goes, „We have one.” I said, „What is it?” He goes, „Cunt.”


– What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. What happens on the moon never happened. We faked that landing. That's a joke. We didn't. There were no female astronauts back then.


– Does anyone think they have a weird sleep tip? Super weird.

What? Did someone say, „read a book”? I'm gonna fuck you up after the show. Meet me in the parking lot. Read a book? Oh my God.


– Dating feels like being a stuffed animal in a claw machine.


– I love TikTok. You know what's funny about TikTok? These kids are like lip-syncing, dancing, pretending they're in a music video. We all did that growing up, didn't we? Yeah! Alone in your room in the mirror, hairbrush. Of course. But if anyone had walked in on you doing it, you would've killed yourself, right? And these kids are online like, „I hope millions of people see this.” It's like, „You could benefit from some bullying, I think.”

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