Szelek szárnyán (1999) 8

The Wind Will Carry Us · Bad ma ra khahad bord
113' · francia, iráni · dráma

0 díj · 1 jelölés

A film főhőse Behzad, az nyüzsgő tévés szerkesztő, akit főnökei egy eldugott faluba küldenek forgatni , egy nagyon idős asszony temetését akarják megörökítni. Ebben a faluban ugyanis különös, ősi szertartással búcsúztatják a halottakat, azt kellene a tévéseknek filmre venni. Behzad idegenül… [tovább]

perzsa · angol

Képek 18


Behzad DouraniMérnök
Noghre Asadi
Roushan Karam Elmi
Bahman Ghobadi
Shahpour Ghobadi
Reihan Heidari
Masood Mansouri
Ali Reza Naderi
Frangis Rahsepar
Masoameh Salimi

További szereplők

Kedvencelte 2

Várólistára tette 28

Népszerű idézetek


– Yes, but there are worse illnesses. Death…
– Death?
– Yes. Death is the worst. When you close your eyes on this world, this beauty, the wonders of nature and the generosity of God, it means you'll never be coming back.
– They say that the other world is more beautiful.
– But…who has come back from there to tell us if it's beautiful or not? „They tell me she is as beautiful as a houri from heaven! Yet I say…That the juice of the vine is better. Prefer the present to these fine promises. Even a drum sounds melodious from afar…Prefer the present…”


– I can't come now.
– Why?
– I need one more answer for the exam.
– What is it?
– The fourth question.
– You don't know the answer?
– No.
– Why?
– Because I don't.
– What was it?
– „What happens to the Good and Evil on Judgement Day?”
– That's obvious.The Good go to hell and the Evil to heaven. Is that right?
– Yes.
– No. The Good go to heaven, the Evil go to hell. Hurry in and write that, then come back.


– How long did she study?
– Who?
– That woman whose poem you recited.
– Forough? I think she was in school until the fourth or fifth year. You know, writing poetry has nothing to do with diplomas. If you have talent, you can do it too.

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