Méhek völgye (1968) 3

Valley of the Bees · Údolí vcel
97' · csehszlovák · dráma, történelmi

Ebben a lenyűgöző történelmi drámában felfedezhetjük a rendezőnek, Frantisek Vlácilnak az 1960-as cseh újhullám egyik alapítójának elkötelezettségét a „tiszta film” eszméje mellett. A filmben Lord Vlkov fiát, Ondrejt 12 évesen elküldik tanulni a teuton lovagok rendjébe. Barátságot köt a rend egy… [tovább]

cseh · angol

Képek 9


Petr ČepekOndrej
Jan KačerArmin von Heide
Josef SomrRotgier
Zdenek KryzánekLord of Vlkov
Miroslav MachácekBrown Friar
Vera GalatíkováLenora
Václav KotvaParaszt
Jana HlaváckováVak lány
František KováříkPásztor
Ludvík VolfVadász

További szereplők

Várólistára tette 5

Népszerű idézetek


– My district was stricken with famine and the plague. A man was caught eating corpses and was hung as a warning. At night his wife came and dug up his body and she and her children ate it.
– She deserved to be hung as he was.
– And the children?
– The children too.
– Were they not pure?
– There is no difference.
– Then there would be no human beings left alive. Life would become extinct.
– Let it be extinct. The angels will remain. No one has ever seen them and yet I hear the beating of their wings. They are here with us. They must be. Otherwise we would live in darkness, like dogs or wolves.
– Foreign brother, you frighten me.
– Why should only the virtuous die of cold and hunger in their cells? Death brings redemption from such loneliness. I carried this sand all the way from the Holy Land. It is tainted with my brother's blood. But why was it their blood? The others live without faith and multiply like ants. There are ever more of them!
– I respect you for your long pilgrimage. But go home.
– When is the wedding?
– Go back to your people. There you will find peace again. At least you will stay pure.


– Have you seen the sea before?
– No. Not until now.
– I wish I could also see it again for the flrst time. Taste it.
– It is salty.


– O Lord, deliver us from the evil that went into the grave. May our grain prosper. Do not let the werewolf poison our well. Do not let the snake drink our cow's milk. Let peace reign at Vlkov.


– Those two live like animals.
– Forgive them, life will punish them.

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