Idézetek 8


Maya: Yeah… All right, you got me! Dylan is broken! We need to make another person who will love me unconditionally.


Maya: Oh, come on, ref! You gonna call that?! Oh, the ref isn't disabled, is he?
Kenneth: No.
Maya: Die, ref!


Maya: Yeah, about Kenneth. There's a couple at CPR… I think they want to steal him. They can offer him things we can't.
Jimmy: Money?
Maya: Worse… kindness.
Jimmy: Mm.
Maya: If we're gonna keep Kenneth, I'm gonna have to be nice to him.
Jimmy: Well… he will be missed.


Maya: What's wrong?
Jimmy: We went to ice rink to play a nice game of "Ms. Pac-Man. "There were some disabled guys on sleds playing this really intense game of hockey. JJ wanted to join in.
Maya: Fantastic. How was it?
JJ:"I wasn't allowed to play."
Maya: Who said you couldn't play? I want a name. Does it start with „B”? I'm getting a „B.” I get very psychic in the presence of injustice… You?!
Jimmy: I thought you'd agree with me. I figured you'd do your overprotective thing.
Maya: No, sir. This is my „do not exclude my son, he can do anything” thing.
Jimmy: Oh, that's the bad one.


He mows grass for a living. This is a man whose chief job competition is goats.


– You people are jerks.
– No…we're idiots…


Maya: You… Go upstairs.
Jimmy: There's no upstairs here.
Maya: You… Go where your room is.