Fragments of Paradise (2022) 0

Jonas Mekas több mint 70 éven át dokumentálta életét a naplófilmek néven ismert filmjeiben. Az 1949-ben kitelepítettként New Yorkba érkezésétől a 2019-ben bekövetkezett haláláig a száműzetés traumáját és veszteségeit örökítette meg, miközben úttörő szerepet játszott a független film fejlődését… [tovább]

Képek 26


Peter Bogdanovichönmaga
Jim Jarmuschönmaga
Benn Northoverönmaga
Martin Scorseseönmaga
John Watersönmaga
Jonas Mekasönmaga(archív)
Andy Warholönmaga(archív)
Allen Ginsbergönmaga(archív)
Amy Taubinönmaga
Salvador Dalíönmaga

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John Waters: Jonas Mekas was my savior. Somehow I knew about The Village Voice and I got it, and I used to read Jonas's column, „Movie Journal,” and he told me what underground movies were. And that's how I learned about Warhol and Kenneth Anger and the Kuchar Brothers and all those kind of movies So I became kind of obsessed by them. And I would sneak away on the Greyhound Bus to New Yorkand see the underground moviesthat Jonas wrote about. That's how I got my film education.


Martin Scorsese: Before I was a film student, I'd just live every week to read Jonas's column in The Village Voice because it opened up a whole new world of, uh, what cinema could be.


Martin Scorsese: There was so much dedication and solidarity of the whole community, and in the middle there was Jonas Mekas. He was the prophet, a guiding visionary spirit. He showed us the way and made us understand that there are no limits to the art of cinema.

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