Kedvencelte 2

Várólistára tette 11

Kiemelt értékelések


Gyönyörű tájak, aranyos történet, szimpatikus szereplők, és nem csak egy üres, sekélyes romantikus film, hanem kis háttértartalom színesítéssel.


Fontos az önmegvalósítás, bármikor történjék is. Aranyos, kiszámítható film. Nem okoz csalódást.

Népszerű idézetek


Kate: When the universe sends you a sign, you got to be brave enough to follow it.


Addy: I don't wanna upset them.
Jack: What about upsetting yourself? You don't wanna become a supporting player in your own life story, right? You wanna be the, you know, the leading lady.
Addy: Oh, gosh, you are… you are insufferably insightful.
Jack: Yeah, I know.
Addy: It doesn't make it any easier, though.
Jack: I know.


Jack: I think you got to ask yourself, what's worse? Starting over or giving up?


Jack: I think we're all just hoping to find someone we're comfortable enough to be ourselves around.


Jack: You should make a wish to find your ring.
Addy: Oh, isn't that what I hired you for?
Jack: I can use all the help I can get.
Kate: Oh, um, Addie doesn't believe in making wishes.
Jack: Why not?
Addy: Well, I just, you know, I think you're just setting yourself up for disappointment when they don't come true.
Jack: Okay. You're kind of missing the point.
Addy: Really? Now what would that be?
Jack: Positive energy, good vibes, karma, good old-fashioned hope, that's what a wish is all about. Without hope, you got no chance at all.
Addy: Okay, fine.

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