DAU. Tri dnya (DAU 7.) (2020) 1

DAU. Three Days · ДАУ. Три дня
104' · egyesült királysági, orosz, német, ukrán · dráma

1956-ot írunk. Daut, a kiváló tudóst – aki egy titkos szovjet kutatóintézetben él és dolgozik – meglátogatja fiatalkori szerelme, Mária, a görög színésznő.

orosz · orosz

Képek 6


Teodor CurrentzisDau
Maria NafpliotouMaria
Radmila ShegolevaNora
Alexey TrifonovDau barátja
Ekaterina AndreevaSzobalány
Anna VolkovaSzobalány
Anastasiya KolesnikovaSzobalány

Várólistára tette 1

Népszerű idézetek


– The decoration is awful, my wife did this. The wallpaper and these curtains. It used to be nice.


– I was holding an audition here for a new maid. I had a horrible old lady who made nasty food. I want a young one stroking my hair and reading Pushkin.


– I never believed I could share my life with Nora. We were different, but back then being different was exciting. It felt like exploring a new continent. Like trying new fruits. It was very tempting. I fell in love. Life continued. One day she got pregnant. I got married.
– Did you have affairs?
– A lot. The agreement was I bring the girls home.
– Who?
– The girls.
– What?
– I brought them here. I wanted to have an open marriage so I could meet other girls with different flavors and feelings. I wanted to enrich my experience, she would have the right to do the same. And we would continue to love each other.
– This is impossible in a relationship.
– Why?
– Because it is.
– This is your opinion.


– When I went to other lands searching for my true homeland, the land of dreams and memories I got scared when I realised that my first homeland had forgotten me. Like on a long journey, when the coach stops so you can pee. When you get out you find a magical world. You talk to fairies, and when you go back to get the others to come and see they've all gone, and left you behind. All my dreams take place in the house where I was born. Every experience I've had takes me back there. Like we've strayed from our path and we're trying to find the Golden Fleece. The golden rule that will lead us back to that coach. But the coach has gone. They waited only 15-20 minutes. Like friends, relatives, lovers promised us eternal love.
Soon, they're gone. Love affairs are nice, but we have things to do.
– It's called being an adult.
– I'm an „anti-adult”.

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