1940-ben Németország a vártnál jóval könnyebben foglalta el Franciaországot. A megszállott ország elég két út állt: ellenáll vagy együttműködik. A dokumentumfilm a politkusok mellett egy iparváros, Clermont-Ferrand és környéke lakóit interjúvolta meg arról, hogy milyen volt az élet akkoribban,… [tovább]
Bánat és szánalom (1969) 4★
251' · svájci, keletnémet · háborús, történelmi, dokumentumfilm
Képek 4
Várólistára tette 8
Népszerű idézetek
– Did you notice any differnece between the various levels of French society?
– Most definitely. I can honestly say that the people who helped me most were the railroad men and though it's hard to admit now, the Communists. French workers were wonderful people.
– Bearing in mind what you learned in the last war, the results of National Socialism, which, as you explained, had a certain appeal or charm about it at one point in your life, bearing this in mind, would you change the choices made at that time?
– Yes, of course. I think only an idiot would refuse to change their opinion. But I can only speak for myself. I have changed, but that's me. Young people have asked me what I think about their commitment. It's always interesting, fascinating, because commitment always brings on change, but sometimes this change has dramatic consequences. So I advise people to be cautious.
– You have become a liberal? Are you afraid of ideologies?
– A bit. Actually, very much.
– I attended the trial of three militiamen who admitted to having arrested three Resistants, ripped out their eyes, put bugs in the holes and sewn up their pupils. In these cases, you wonder if a trial is necessary. It may have been better to shoot them immediately. Many were shot. But then, later, many legal errors were also made, in that, in a wave of liberation euphoria, many innocent people were executed.