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2 | 1. rész | Az utolsó menedék No Shelter But me 2023. március 16. | Eric Heisserer, Nick Culbertson | Bola Ogun |
Végre Kirigan is előbújt.
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Kicsi varjak akcióba lendülnek. xD
Saints! This was wonderful! The crows are together, Nikolai and twins emerged, so many hints at Kaz's history the iconic „Brick by brick.” phrase! Even Alina and Mal are so great in the series. Of course, I'm still all for the crows, but the actors are doing a superb job with everyone really. Wylan's my little baby, Jesper's as hilarious as ever, Nina's classy as hell, Inej's a forking superhero. Don't get me started on Kaz. The clothes, the sets, the maps, the books… So many iconic lines from the books! So many hints. Novya Zem is beautiful, all those clothes and African inspired culture… Don't get me wrong, this series is great even if you haven't read the books, but if you have it's a whole other deal. My problem is Matthias. I loved their relationship in the last season. I loved their relationship in the books. And that is my problem here. My heart aches for them and it was easier in the last season, because they were just getting acquinted to eachother, the whole clusterfork was so far in the future, but now it's here and I'll be so hard to see it happen all over again. I'm kinda rooting for the series to change that whole deal, but then, I think about what we'd miss that way. Sometimes I do think it would be a nice balance to have an alternative version of their story in the series. Anyway, I think we're in for a wild ride, I'm super excited.