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J Pee – To The Kids
A videó alatt valaki megosztotta a dalszöveget, idemásolom én is:
To my son, To my daughter,
I'd love to hear you call me Dad but if
I decide to take a pass this is to the kids that I might never have
To my son, To my daughter,
I'd love to hear you call me Dad but if
I decide to take a pass this is to the kids that I might never have
To Blake,
That's always been my favorite name for a girl,
I think about you a lot
I think I could raise you to be teach you to be smart, strong, teach you how to love,
But there's a voice in my gut, it's soft but it's deep
If I listen quietly, past my own wants and needs, it's cautioning me not to bring you into being,
That we're dealing with something larger than you and me, See
I would try to give you the world, Baby girl, just like every Dad tries,
But I'm afraid of what lies ahead,
I'm afraid of the planet we're leaving behind, courtesy of mankind, for you to inherit
See, I'm afraid that you'd live through pain, reprecussions of past generations living greedily,
Abusing the planet, taking water, animal, land for granted
There's no way around it, we're headed for changes,
And it could be rough sailing for a bit
Call me a pessimist, call me a liberal dick,
But I'm scared of bringing a child into this.
Feels counterintuitive to give you breath at a time when so much is dying,
When we're at war with the home that gave us life.
God's gift became a virus.
Miraculous species left unchecked for too long, we become gods,
We have raped the heaven we landed on,
And that's not your fault, it's ours,
Which makes it seem all the more selfish to drop the responsibility into your palms, to deal with our problems, long after we're gone,
It should be us made to suffer through what we've caused, not our sons and daughters
Where does the buck stop
Which is why I'm hesitant to bring you next to me,
Not to say there won't be love and beauty,
But we're headed for shifts humanity's never seen,
So excuse me, if I want to protect you from what could be disasterous and obscene,
Look at me.
Hmm, you're not even a being. And there goes my fatherly instincts to protect you.
I could be paranoid, it's true
Call me young, dumb, when none of this comes to fruit,
And I'd love to be wrong.
I would love to be wrong.
I'd love to see you,
But these are my thoughts, maybe they'll change, in a decade or two,
When I'm older, wiser, have more to offer you,
I don't know
I guess we'll wait and see.
To my son, To my daughter,
I'd love to hear you call me Dad but if
I decide to take a pass this is to the kids that I might never have
To my son, To my daughter,
I'd love to hear you call me Dad but if
I decide to take a pass this is to the kids that I might never have
Feel like I owe you an explanation, for my decision making
I have no doubt in your ability to be a difference maker.
But I'll be cut and dry Big-Guy
The difference maker in our lives right now is less lives,
Might sound cold
But these words come from a love of all the world holds.
I could say fuck it I don't care a couple of kids won't make a difference out of billions
No one else is gon making changes, why should I,
It's my life, I should live the way I want cause one day Imma die,
No one cares if I have one kid or five, It's my right,
Legacy is so important, my genes are important, must ensure my name survives.
Breeding for Legacy will end us.
Breeding for boredom will end us.
If we don't start thinking about the impact a child has on the planet we'll be dust,
When nothing exists to check us can we step up?
Hive mind has to exit.
Small minds have to think big.
This is more massive than right-wing left-wing politics,
Feels impossible to make a difference.
But it's worth a shot, isn't it?
At what point do we have the hard conversation.
The biggest threat to us is us procreating.
Jaiden. I'm not saying you wouldn't be a wonderful asset to me
But this isn't about me
You're still flesh and blood, a human being, using resources like the rest of us,
The world will inevitably feel your impact, whether you're the president, or a monk.
That's not your fault.
But the world is shouldering a lot, and the timing might be off
For me to come to your basketball games and watch you hit the last shot
And that sucks.
I'm not ruling it out, son, the world could still be a hell of a lot of fun, but the Earth's changing
And right now, it needs a little less of us.
To my son, To my daughter,
I'd love to hear you call me Dad but if
I decide to take a pass this is to the kids that I might never have
To my son, To my daughter,
I'd love to hear you call me Dad but if
I decide to take a pass this is to the kids that I might never have
Sometimes, I think I should have you,
Because I could raise you better,
You'd be kinder, smarter, woke as fuck, a world trend setter,
Little super heroes making the world greater than you left it.
Beacons of light amidst the reckless fuckheads who don't give two shits,
Watch this family change the world like the Kennedys did, A record in history books and monuments
Cause my genetics are the shit, bruh,
The world needs my seed more than some dumb redneck in Nebraska,
Darwin says spread your semen, we need it,
Idiocracy's happening, that's my judge,
Ignorant idiots popping out kids, we need to balance the scale with intelligence,
But I don't think entering a babymaking contest against a family in East Texas is gonna solve this.
Superiority Complex makes for bad kids,
And I'm not accounting for the fact that you'd have minds of your own,
Dreams that don't coincide with my goals, a serial killer who doesn't recycle,
Wear cats faces as masks, spend your life playing Warcraft, night shifts as a janitor
Grow up to be a Hitler, I can't force you to be Gandhi,
That shit's out of my hands
Changing the world shouldn't be your responsibility,
A burden you shouldn't have to carry,
That's a choice you make, not me,
If I brought you here it's cause I want you to live happily
That's what makes me worried.
There's that pessimism again, spouting off about the end of humanity
I don't think it's the end.
But it damn sure is a new beginning.
Na és itt van, ami után ezt leltem.
This is my favorite thing.
Kapcsolódó filmek: A muzsika hangja (1965)
A minap nézett Vakember mellé olvasott random triviák kapcsán merült fel, hogy a főhős kezébe nyomott gitár és az ehhez kapcsolódó „Játssz! – Nem tudok!” párbeszéd utalás a főszereplő színész sikertelen énekesi karrierjére! Mivel vagyok olyan viszonyban ezzel a sokak által elfeledett-leírt-megvetett Tony Anthonyval, hogy elkezdjen érdekelni a dolog, heves Discogs-IMDB-Youtube bújásba kezdtem és azt mondanám, 85 százalékos bizonyossággal megtaláltam a nyomát ennek a bizonyos reménytelenségbe fulladt zenészkarriernek.
Egyetlen 1958-ban megjelent kislemezről van szó, ami egy amerikai kiadó gondozásában látott napvilágot – az évszám tulajdonképpen jó lehet, Tony barátunk ekkor 19 éves volt, és bár megannyi álnevet magára aggatott karrierje során, végül is nem lehetetlen, hogy zenélni is ugyanazzal az alteregóval próbált meg, mint filmezni. A hang is stimmelni tűnik, A Stranger in Town nem túl hosszú szöveges részeibe belefülelve el tudom képzelni, hogy az énekhang az övé legyen. Az utolsó löketet egy kommentelő adta meg, aki biztosra ment és örömét fejezte ki, amiért hallhatja a western sztárt énekelni. Szóval úgy tűnik, a kutatást eredmény koronázta.
De az egészben mégiscsak az a legjobb, hogy ez a zene amúgy jó! :)
Eddig nem is gondoltam egy ilyen kombóra, de most örülök, hogy összehozták. *.*