Sun Kai Kai

Rendező 5

Yan Gui Xi Chuang Yue, Ngaan Gwai Sai Cheung Yut (2021–2021)
Time Flies and You Are Here, Swallows Returning to the West Window · 雁归西窗月, 雁歸西窗月
Feng Gui Si Shi Ge (2020–2020)
The Legend of Jin Yan · 凤归四时歌
Na Qie Ji Di San Ji (2016–2016)
Concubinage Record 3 / Legend of the Concubinage 3 / My Adventure in Ming Dynasty 3 · 纳妾记第三季
Na Qie Ji Di Er Ji (2016–2016)
Concubinage Record 2 / Legend of the Concubinage 2 / My Adventure in Ming Dynasty 2 · 纳妾记第2季
Na Qie Ji (2015–2015)
Legend of the Concubinage / My Adventure in Ming Dynasty , Concubinage Record · 纳妾记