SzűrésSzerepei 5
Superbug, the Craziest Car in the World / The Maddest Car in the World / Superwheels / Super WheelsJimmy Bondi Superbug: The Wild One / Lovebug on Extra Tour / The Superbug on ExtratourJimmy Bondi Superbug / The Love Bug RallyBen Rendező 5
Return of Superbug / Son of Superbug Superbug, the Craziest Car in the World / The Maddest Car in the World / Superwheels / Super Wheels Superbug: The Wild One / Lovebug on Extra Tour / The Superbug on Extratour Superbug / The Love Bug Rally Forgatókönyvíró 5
Return of Superbug / Son of Superbug Superbug, the Craziest Car in the World / The Maddest Car in the World / Superwheels / Super Wheels Superbug: The Wild One / Lovebug on Extra Tour / The Superbug on Extratour Superbug / The Love Bug Rally Producer 5
Return of Superbug / Son of Superbug Superbug, the Craziest Car in the World / The Maddest Car in the World / Superwheels / Super Wheels Superbug: The Wild One / Lovebug on Extra Tour / The Superbug on Extratour Superbug / The Love Bug Rally