Rod Scribner

Animátor 32

Melegségre vágyva (1954)
Little Boy Boo
Kolompolok (1954)
Bell Hoppy
The Super Snooper
The EGGcited Rooster
Kiddin' the Kitten
Sleepy Time Possum
Lovelorn Leghorn
Pop 'im Pop!
Na, mi van, haver? (1950)
What's Up Doc?
The Leghorn Blows at Midnight
Csőrike és a szörnyeteg (1944)
Birdy and the Beast
An Itch in Time
The Cagey Canary
The Heckling Hare
The Crackpot Quail
The Curious Puppy
The Little Lion Hunter
Dangerous Dan McFoo
Naughty But Mice
Porky and Teabiscuit
Bars and Stripes Forever
Gold Rush Daze
The Night Watchman