Mineta Kazunobu


Szerepei 4

Takane no Hana (2018–2018)
Born to be a Flower · 高嶺の花
Kazama Naoto
Neko wa Daku Mono (2018)
The Cat in Their Arms / Holding The Cat in Arms · 猫は抱くもの
Tamotsu Goto (Van Gogh)
Hiyokko (2017–2017)
Koiwai Muneo
The Shikisoku Generation (2009)
Oh, My Buddha · Shikisoku Zenereishon / 色即ぜねれいしょん
Hige Godzilla (hang)

Író 1

Ichigo no Uta (2019)
Strawberry Song · いちごの唄