Szerepei 4
Kimetsu no Yaiba 5 - Shugeki Katanakaji no Sato / Kimetsu no Yaiba: The Stage Play - Shugeki Katanakaji no Sato / Demon Slayer Stage Play Attack on the Swordsmith Village · 舞台「鬼滅の刃」其ノ伍 襲撃 刀鍛冶の里
Kanroji Mitsuri
Kanroji Mitsuri
Stage Play “MARIONETTE HOTEL” · 舞台『マリオネットホテル』/ Butai MARIONETTE HOTEL / マリオネットホテル / TRUMP series 15th ANNIVERSARY 舞台『マリオネットホテル』
Francesca Fra
Francesca Fra
LILIUM -Lilium New Girls Purity Theater- / LILIUM -Lilium New Testament Girl's Purity Opera- / TRUMP series 15th ANNIVERSARY 『LILIUM -Lilium New Girls Purity Theater-』/ TRUMP series 15th ANNIVERSARY 『LILIUM -Lilium New Testament Girl's Purity Opera-』 · TRUMP series 15th ANNIVERSARY 『LILIUM -リリウム 新約少女純潔歌劇-』/ LILIUM -リリウム 新約少女純潔歌劇-
Demon Slayer: The Stage Part 2: Bond / Stage Play Kimetsu no Yaiba Part 2: Bond · 舞台『鬼滅の刃』其ノ弐 絆
Kanroji Mitsuri
Kanroji Mitsuri