Fiorella Betti


Szerepei 8

Superuomini, superdonne, superbotte (1974)
Amazons and Supermen / Super Stooges vs the Wonder Women / Supermen Against the Amazons / Amazons Against Supermen / Barbarian Revenge / Return of the Barbarian Women
Akela, amazon parancsnok (hang)
A női katona (1971)
It's A Woman's War · Venga a fare il soldato da noi
Nicoletta Bianchi (hang)
Vip, mio fratello superuomo (1968)
VIP: My Brother Superman / The SuperVips
Lisa (hang)
Se sei vivo spara (1967)
Django Kill... If You Live, Shoot!
Elizabeth Alderman (hang)
Aladdin csodái (1961)
The Wonders of Aladdin · Le meraviglie di Aladino
Djalma (hang)