Chobits: Chibits - Sumomo and Kotoko Deliver, Chobits Special, Chobits: Chibits - Sumomo & Kotoko Todokeru · ちょびっツ ちびっツ すもも・琴子 届ける
Chobits: Hibiya and Kotoko Chat, Chobits Episode 27: Hibiya and Kotoko Tell the Story, Chobits Special · ちょびっツ
Love Hina: Motoko's Choice Between Love or Swords: Don't cry!, Mokoto no Sentaku Koikaken, Love Hina: Motoko's Choice, Love or the Sword - Don't Cry · 素子のセンタク, 恋か剣... 「泣くな」
Crest of the Stars: Birth, Seikai no Danshou: Birth, Passage of the Stars: Birth, Seikai no Danshou: Tanjyou, Lost Chapter of the Stars: Birth, Crest of the Stars: Fragment Birth of Stars · 星界の断章 “誕生”