Queen's Blade: Inheritor of the Throne Specials / Queen's Blade: The Successor of the Throne Specials · クイーンズブレイド 玉座を継ぐ者: やっぱりでちゃうよ♡ガイノス学園大暴れ!
Queen's Blade: The Exiled Virgin · Queen's Blade: Rurou no Senshi: Minna Dechau yo Gainos Gakuen Daiobare! / クイーンズブレイド 流浪の戦士: みんなでちゃうよガイノス学園大暴れ!
Queen's Blade: Inheritor of the Throne / Queen's Blade: The Successor of the Throne / Queen's Blade and the Evil Eye · クイーンズブレイド 玉座を継ぐ者