Kedvencelte 7

Várólistára tette 33

Kiemelt értékelések


Az egyik legszebb visual album a Tündér Por (2016) mellett nekem. Az,hogy itt Magyarországon készítette ezt a szinte másfél órás filmet spoiler valami felemelő a Cry Baby albuma óta ami végig kisért a középiskolába és Cry Baby is végzet már az iskolával elég wierd.


Hihetetlenül kreatív és páratlan, ahogy az előző albuma is!
Aki esetleg eddig nem ismerte Melanie munkáját, annak mondanám, hogy nagyon elvont és furcsa lány, akinek az albumai egy „képzeletbeli világban” játszódnak és egy történetet alkotnak. Ha valaki csak belepillant valamelyik klipjébe, akkor tényleg nagyon furcsa lehet, de szerintem ezért is fantasztikus. Ez a lány tényleg teremtett magának egy álomvilágot, és zeneileg se utolsó! Minden dal habos-babos rózsaszín és valami komoly, olykor nyomasztó mondanivalója van.


Nem film. Extrém hosszú videóklip.


Én egyszerűen imádom Melanie-t. A zenéit, a stílusát, a tehetségét és mostmár a filmjét is…

Népszerű idézetek


Angelita: Why are you leaving us here?
Crybaby: We need to come with you.
Lilith: Continue on and live your truth. Do not hold fear in your heart.
Crybaby: Please, we don't want to die here!
Lilith: You've had many bodies before this, and you'll continue to have more. You're immortal.
Angelita: But we're exhausted.
Crybaby: We don't want to feel this anymore.
Lilith: We must feel the physical pain of this world, because the only way we can truly learn is through experience.
Crybaby: Please…


We aren't our bodies. They're just temporary.


– You ever wonder who we were to each other in a past life?
– Oh, for sure. We've probably had hundreds of lives together.
– You could've been my mom.
– Yeah, or we could've been conjoined twins.
– And our parents sold us to a fucking freak show.
– That would explain a lot.
– That would.


I don't want no lunchbox friends, no
I want someone who understands, oh, oh
Come to my house, let's die together
Friendship that would last forever


Stop calling me your bunny
I won't hop and you don't own me
Do you? I bet you think you do
Well, you don't


I know. It's just extremly overwhelming when everyone around you is making you feel like you aren't good enough.
As if you're not deserving the same kind of love if you're different.


I know it seems impossible but try not to expect shallow people to love you. They don't even have the compacity to understand how amazing you are.


She was kissing Brendan,
I got jelly.
I wanted to be in her shoes for one day.


She had a boy wrapped around her finger tight
I fell in love with him,
but he wasn't in my life.


You start in the womb and you end in the tomb

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