Long Day's Journey Into Night (2012) 1

Az Utazás az éjszakába O’Neill leginkább önéletrajzi ihletettségű színműve, szinte minden motívuma saját családjának történetét idézi. Olyannyira, hogy a szerző életében nem is engedélyezte a bemutatását, halála után viszont nagyon hamar világsiker lett, színpadon és filmen egyaránt.

A… [tovább]


Képek 23


David SuchetJames Tyrone
Laurie MetcalfMary Cavan Tyrone
Trevor WhiteJames Tyrone Jr.
Kyle SollerEdmund Tyrone
Rosie SansomCathleen

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– If there was a friend’s house where I could drop in and laugh and gossip awhile. But, of course, there isn’t. There never has been. At the Convent I had so many friends. Girls whose fanuhes lived in lovely homes I used to visit them and they’d visit me in my father’s home. But, naturally, after I married an actor — you know how actors were considered in those days — a lot of them gave me the cold shoulder.


– If you think Mr. Tyrone is handsome now, Cathleen, you should have seen him when I first met him. He had the reputation of being one of the best-looking men in the country. The girls in the Convent who had seen him act, or seen his photographs, used to rave about him. He was a great matinee idol then, you know. Women used to wait at the stage door just to see him come out.


– My father took me to see him at first. It was a play about the French Revolution and the leading part was a nobleman I couldn’t take my eyes off him. I wept when he was thrown in prison.


– My father had said we’d go backstage to his dressing-room right after the play, and so we did. I was so bashful all I could do was stammer and blush like a little fool. But he didn’t seem to think I was a fool. I know he liked me the first moment we were introduced.


– […] he was handsomer than my wildest dream, in his make-up and his nobleman’s costume that was so becoming to him. He was different from all ordinary men, like someone from another world. At the same time he was simple, and kind, and unassuming, not a bit stuck-up or vain. I fell in love right then. So did he, he told me afterwards.


– You’re a sentimental fool. What is so wonderful about that first meeting between a silly romantic schoolgirl and a matinee idol?…


– I never dragged her on the road against her will. Naturally, I wanted her with me. I loved her. And she came because she loved me and wanted to be with me. That’s the truth.


– That God-damned play!… I bought for a song and made such a great success in — a great money success — it ruined me with its promise of an easy fortune. I didn’t want to do anything else, and by the time I woke up to the fact I’d become a slave to the damned thing and did try other plays, it was too late. They had identified me with that one part, and didn’t want me in anything else.


– It was a great mistake, my being born a man, I would have been much more successful as a seagull or a fish. As it is, I will always be a stranger who never feels at home, who does not really want and is not really wanted, who can never belong, who must always be a little in love with death!


– Stammering is the native eloquence of us fog people.

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